What happened to Gamora? (Spoilers/Update)

Tony Bark
2 min readJun 7, 2019


If you’ve watched both Infinity War and End Game, you know Gamora is dead. Thanos killed her to get the soul stone. He destroyed Infinity Stones by the time Endgame starts because they served their purpose and their power together nearly killed him. Thor kills Thonas, and Nebula takes Gamora’s place. Her and the rest of Avengers and Guardians attempt to get regain Infinity Stone through time traveling, now that they know where they are through past experiences.

Nebula and War Machine go out to retrieve the Power Stone in 2014, just a few moments before the events of Guardians of the Galaxy were set to take place. Unfortunately, Nebula’s implements alerts her 2014 self of her present self’s activities. The present Nebula is taken hostage and her 2014 self takes her place and goes back to the present instead in order to bring Thonas’ ship along with it. 2014 Thonas returns at the exact same time Hulk reverses future Thonas’ changes. The 2014 Gamora is brought back to the present as well, but this is not the same one we saw die in Infinity War.

End Game ends with Tony Stark using the Infinity Stones to kill Thanos and his army. We never see if Gamora vanishes like the rest. We are given clues that she may never return by the fact that she does not appear at Tony Stark’s funeral scene and Starr Lord is unable to look her up in any database on his ship.

Many have speculated that she could be brought back. I suspect she vanished along with the rest of Thanos’ army by Tony Stark’s snap. The introduction of time travel makes this possible but why would you? Even though pre-Guardians Gamora did help to defeat Thanos by siding with Nebula of the present, she was not from their present time during the events of End Game, and that version could never love Quill the same way she did by Guardians 2.


Turns out I was semi-right. I was wrong in that she didn’t vanish along with the rest of Thanos’ army, thankfully. I was right about her not being from their present means that she lacks the connections built during the first two Guardians movies. It’s a bittersweet. I’m glad she’s alive but I feel sorry for Quill.

